Sunday, August 30, 2015

At this time we are focusing on the 1st habit, Be Proactive.  We are learning what it looks like, feels like and sounds like.  We have chosen a Raptor Leader who demonstrated this habit in many ways.  I will be looking for another Leader when we return from our break and who demonstrates what Beginning with the End in Mind might look like at school.  The seven habits are a great way for us to help ensure success in our kids as they continue to grow and develop.
Our big news this week is preparing for the fun run by getting those pledges. For us on "D" track we are also preparing to track off.  As we do this please continue reading to keep in that good habit as well as working on math facts and writing:D Thanks!

Saturday, August 22, 2015

In our class we have had our seven habits culture week.  We talk and use our habits daily to solve problems and be better students.  As a school we will spend the next few weeks focusing on "being Proactive".  For each habit we recognize as a school, I will be watching for a student who is demonstrating all habits but is a good example of the focus habit to be our "Raptor Leader".  This program is set up so that each child in the school gets this opportunity once throughout their elementary education.
Sorry, not quite there yet but soon!  (I'm working on the school song!)
Hello all,
We will start pre-paring for the APEX fun run on Monday by having the kick off assembly with a packet of info coming home with each child.  Having four of my own children, fund raisers were not my favorite.  I do like however, the idea of getting friends and family to sponsor our children in the physical fitness endeavors as well as sponsoring any amount, even as little as a quarter a lap.  Each family also has the choice of making a flat donation (for the entire family) rather than sponsoring each child individually.  I also like the idea of not selling gift wrap door to door to all my neighbors:D
I understand that the monies earned will stay with the school and be awarded to the individual teams or teachers.  We as a team,  have decided to start working, through grants and our fun run money, to build an I-pad library to use between our four classes.  This technology will go far in helping all students to be stronger in all academic areas.  Thanks so much for your support!
I'm asking myself, "how does that happen?"  Three weeks have sailed by, we have been working super hard to get our routines and procedures down but I haven't found a min. to make a new post:} Yikes!
As you know we have started our spelling, mostly with review words.  We are working on sight words which in the past I have tested in a written format but am trying a reading format right now and am undecided which way we will settle.

We have all our baseline assessments completed and are working towards our first math Benchmark which covers verbalizing, writing and identifying numbers 1-20.  Understanding and recreating partners of numbers 1-10.  Drawing pictures that support a problem and answer and understanding grouping of fives and tens.  We have been busy!

I will also start a formal reading test to support the reading levels that we are working on now and then do a running record at least once a month followed by formal reading assessments for SEP conferences and end of school.  Please remember that reading is not about the level.  Books are not exactly a level and we work in a space of levels, i.e. (g/h) meaning I may send an easier book home while working on comprehension or a book marked "g" might really seem more like an "e".  Please don't focus on levels but on getting the "practice" the actual reading time in.  Research shows that the best indicator of a successful reader is, letter sound understanding (phonemic awareness) and rhyming and then practice doing the actual reading.  This can be by parent while the child listens for enjoyment.  Student reading to practice decoding, sight word recognition and plain old practice.  A combination of the two especially for reluctant readers or any other fun way that will get our children reading every day.  Not two days, not five days but seven days a week!

We have also been doing some writing activities as well as weaving in our science and social studies!
Each day is a new adventure.  No two days are exactly alike even with a schedule:} Lol

Thanks again to each of you for your support, kindness and sharing your child with me!  It is going to be a great year!

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Hello and welcome to the blog of a true novice!
I haven't given up but and less than good at keeping up on everything that I need to do :/  Beside posting on the blog I will try to send weekly progress notes home to keep you up to date on what we are learning and where our learning is taking us.  I have also requested that you accept my invitation to "remind me" as a quick way for me to send out text reminders for up coming events and shout outs of the things that your amazing children are doing!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Hello again,
I feel like my blog was hijacked for a time. Lol

It is good to be getting back on schedule.  After tracking to celebrate Presidents Day, Birthdays, Dr. Seuss/Read across America day and our 100 day in school I am all celebrated out :D

I was pleasantly surprised to get our math benchmark and reading testing completed although all of that did not leave much time for anything else.  We have a lot of math re-teaching to work on.   I am so proud of all the children and the support that you have given them with their reading.  What a great feeling to know that most of the kids are now on or near grade level. Hip hip hooray  to all of you parents and a big hats of to you as well!!  
Thank you, thank you, thank you!  I certainly couldn't do my job without all that you do for and with your children.

We still have aways to go before the end of school but I am so please with the progress that has been made.

Our spring conferences will be help March 18th and 19th.  The scheduling window should be open on Monday.  I look forward to meeting with you all.  I hope that you have a wonderful weekend and that we have a regular no special day week next week! :}

-Mrs. Newman

Monday, January 12, 2015

Oh, my how did two months fly by since my last post??? I guess that tells you all that we have been very busy trying to get everything in before we go off track again.  This time of year always makes me nervous knowing that we have accomplished much BUT we have just as much to learn before we go to second grade!!! Yikes!
At least I have amazing kids that are up to the task especially with the help of you all!  THANK YOU!

We had the 2nd dibbles test today.  This is a mandated reading test from the state that is part of our overall reading assessment for the year.  It is really just a screener for students who are struggling.  It is helpful but since it is given by district testers in the media center some (not all) students do not perform at their best.  If you have questions after you receive your students results please feel free to call me.  Most of you are aware if your child is struggling with reading, writing or math.

A guideline would be:  If you child is reading on a F/G or above good job!!! If your child can count and write numbers to 120, skip count by 5's , 10's and 2's along with adding and subtracting numbers 1-20 good job!  If your child can use his/her spelling words in sentences, starting with a capital, ending with a period and the sentence makes sense, good job!!!!

More to come :}