Wow, how the weeks are flying by!
It is hard to believe that we only have three weeks until we go off track.
The kids have been doing really well even though we are still working on not talking during work time.
I know this must be getting old but please, please please make sure you are reading for at least 20 min. each and every night. This is the best way to make progress with your child's reading. This can be done by you reading to your child, your child reading to you, or a mixture of both.
Please help make sure that your child's homework folder and books come back each day even if you didn't read them. I have started doing my informal reading testing and will start my formal testing when we come back on track.
We have our first math test called the Benchmark this next week. It is tricky because of the way it is written. We have been working on adding, subtraction, drawing pictures to match our story problems and then write an equation that represents the picture. We have also been working on grouping by 5's and 10's. There are a lot of concepts on the test and if the children are not listening or do not understand the math language being read it becomes even more difficult but we will practice a few more days and do the best we can.
Most of the kids are doing great on their popcorn word and spelling word tests. Thanks for studying with your student. The review words and dictation sentences are proving to be a little more tricky.
We have been working on our opinion writing and will continue to do more pieces as well as starting some narrative writing in their daily journals.
I hope the kids are enjoying school. I am enjoying them! You have wonderful, amazing children. Thanks for sharing them with me!
-Teresa Newman